Legend says that Ursula K. Le Guin coined the word ansible
as an anagram of lesbian
in "Rocannon's World" (looong before Orson Scott Card).
Is this known to be true (the anagram part)? [citation needed]
Legend says that Ursula K. Le Guin coined the word ansible
as an anagram of lesbian
in "Rocannon's World" (looong before Orson Scott Card).
Is this known to be true (the anagram part)? [citation needed]
Ursula Le Guin has stated that she coined the term because "it sounded like answerable." She's only addressed that once on record, though - in 2001, Usenet user Dave Goldman posted the following to rec.arts.sf.written (as archived on Google Groups):
I've just started a writing workshop from Ms. Le Guin, so I asked her...
Turns out that she derived "ansible" from "answerable".