The opening scene of Terminator 2 shows terminators going after humans via machine-to-human combat instead of using weapons of mass destruction.
Skynet could have dropped any number of weapons on human populations.
- atom bombs (if any were left after Judgment Day)
- chemical weapons (e.g. - white phosphor, mustard gas, nerve agents, VX, sarin, tabun, etc... ad nauseum)
- biological weapons (e.g. - antrax, ricin, mycotoxins, herbicides, etc... ad nauseum)
- radiological weapons (dropping highly radioactive materials near humans)
Some of these weapons are somewhat easy to make once you have the materials. Some are very hard to make, but Skynet might have found the chemical or biological weapons after Judgment Day.
But radiological weapons should be very easy for Skynet to make. For example, the radioactive isotope, Cobalt-60, is used so widely in current technology, that Skynet could simply raid all the hospitals in any city it finds and use that to make a radiological bomb. Or Skynet could simply collect radioactive dust off the streets of nuked cities and then spray the hot dust on places with humans. Ground zero of each city should be coated with Cesium-137. Another option is to locate the dry cask storage locations near atomic power plants.
Why does Skynet send terminators to kill humans in combat instead of using weapons of mass destruction? This seems like a far less efficient use of resources than merely nuking the humans, coating their settlements with radioactive fallout, or simply dropping canisters of white phosphor.
- Is there anything in the Terminator franchise that says Skynet did use these?
- It certainly knew what nukes could do, but did it not know what bio, chemical, and radiological materials could do?
- Even if it did know about such weapons, did it not know how to make them?
- Or did not have access to materials even if it did know how?
Please provide canon based answers.