Well, right now the world doesn’t need more engineers. We didn’t run out of planes, or television sets. We ran out of food. The world needs farmers. Good farmers, like you. And Tom, we’re a caretaker generation.
- Okafor
Agriculture on land is highly inefficient if you look at Produce per Square Meter. Not very long ago, I did a detailed case analysis on automated agriculture in closed skyscraper because I don't want to eat insects when population reaches 10 billion and I don't like the idea of plants using polluted air/water/soil.
Well, hydroponics/aeroponics/fogponics with artificial light on all 100 floors looks promising and may even beat traditional farmers' prices. This can even be automated with computers without the use of artificial intelligence.
In the Interstellar universe, when full-fledged AI is the norm, why exactly are engineers obsolete over traditional farmers? I can understand the value of food here, but why can't Engineers do the farming (that's also in smarter way)?