In the first episode of Voyager, Captain Janeway permits the survivors of a Maquis ship to join her crew, even though from a legal perspective they are outlaws at best and terrorists at worst. Later on, the Maquis as an organization
is annihilated by the Dominion.
What is the general fate of the former Maquis members who survived the entire voyage, returning to the Alpha Quadrant on Voyager?
- Are they allowed to continue in service to Starfleet?
- Are they pardoned for any crimes they had committed while in the service of the Maquis as a "thanks" for serving on Voyager but sent on their way (e.g. no more serving on Starfleet vessels, but no particular punishment either)?
- Are they delivered to the Federation criminal justice system to stand trial and/or face punishment for their Maquis participation?
If the former Maquis receive individualized evaluations and determinations, for example, a select few who had served with distinction have their ranks confirmed/ratified/made permanent by Starfleet Command, most of the rest are kicked out onto the streets of San Francisco, and a handful who had committed particularly egregious crimes before their Delta Quadrant detour are given prison sentences, that's an answer.