Is Your Child Using Drugs? Seven Ways to Recognize a Drug Addict, a short story by Rachel Pollack. You may have read it in one of these compilations.
At least the title sort of matches, and there is not much more detail in your description. From a review of the Rachel Pollack collection Burning Sky by Emily Streight at Rain Taxi Review:
Pollack loves to play with form: "Is Your Child Using Drugs? Seven Ways to Recognize a Drug Addict" creates a discomfiting fictional universe using questions from a propagandistic anti-drug pamphlet as cues;
The story is in the anthology Space Odyssey which can be borrowed (for free but registration required) from the Internet Archive. I'm not about to read it, but here is an excerpt:
SPEECH: Does your child's speech pattern conform with his customary actions? Look for slurring, difficulty of speech, as if drunk.
Allan and Gloria Rumsilver looked at their son standing in the doorway. The moonlight, bright to excess as it had been for nine nights, flared about Dominiq's head like an unstable aura, causing Allan to squint his eyes, then look away. 'Since when do you ring the bell?' he asked. 'You lose your key again?' Dominiq's mouth twisted. His facial muscles pushed up his nostrils to give his contorted lips, his bare teeth more room. His tongue curled and stretched with seeming indolence, experimenting in a private sexuality as it sought a proper cavity or surface to make a proper sound. He coughed, then jerked back his head. Allan and Gloria could see tremors ripple his skin's exposed areas. A moment later Dominiq squeezed between his parents and lurched upstairs (his arm muscles alone under reasonable control), only to stop at the landing and say, his back to them, 'You must know. You must find out. Something must be done.'
CHEMICAL AROMAS: Do you smell strange aromas, like glue, Carbona, Magic Marker? Does your child's breath smell of any strange chemical odour?