A friend asked me for help identifying a science fiction novel. Notably he was not allowed to check the book out as it was in the adult section of the library and he only had a children's card so in actual fact he never read it. What he remembers is based very loosely on the blurb on the back of the book. This does not leave much to go on but fingers crossed...
It was in his local library when he was a child in the early 80's so likely published between 1960 and 1980.
He remembers a bluish cover but is vague on what it might have depicted.
Very specifically he remembers being told by the librarian and/or read on the book cover that the book was an sf retelling of Moby Dick.
He tells me he is certain the blurb talked about "sand skiffs" and that the setting was desert rather than ocean.
These last two points immediately made me think of Involution Ocean by Bruce Sterling (actually I have never read it but just by hearsay it's a very close match). This novel features a desert like environment, is clearly a riff on on Moby Dick and features craft called "dust whalers". My friend is sticking to his guns and saying the term was "sand skiffs" despite me pointing out that he is likely confusing the skiffs from Return of the Jedi with the dust whalers.
So, on the off chance that he is right and I am wrong, can anyone on this site ID an SF novel inspired by Moby Dick and specifically featuring craft referred to as "Sand Skiffs".
Not sure if there is any way to prove that no such novel exists or phrase a question in that manner that would be acceptable on this site but, If anyone has suggestions, I'd appreciate if you could leave them in the comments.