This is too big for a comment, so I'm posting it as another answer:
If you plan on watching the Crusade spinoff, don't watch it in airdate order. I strongly, strongly suggest chronological order - it resolves most of the inconsistencies TNT created when they started interfering with the series, and the character development makes a hell of a lot more sense:
- 1x01 - War Zone
- 1x02 - The Long Road
- 1x06 - Ruling from the Tomb
- 1x08 - Appearances and Other Deceits
- 1x10 - The Memory of War
- 1x11 - The Needs of Earth
- 1x09 - Racing the Night
- 1x12 - Visitors from Down the Street
- 1x13 - Each Night I Dream of Home
- 1x04 - The Path of Sorrows
- 1x05 - Patterns of the Soul
- 1x03 - The Well of Forever
- 1x07 - The Rules of the Game
Basically, 5 episodes of Crusade were produced with minimal meddling. Then filming went on hiatus while the budget was increased and better sets/etc were made - and TNT's meddling went crazy.
For example, episodes numbered 1x09 - 1x13 use the original, low-budget uniforms. After the budget was increased, TNT mandated that the high-budget new uniforms be aired first - so they became episodes 1x01 - 1x08. Appearances and Other Deceits had an in-universe designer create the old uniforms as a new design, then one of the unfilmed episodes would have a laundry accident that "returned" them to the new, high-budget uniforms seen in the others. Since that episode was never filmed, we can imagine it happens between Each Night I Dream of Home and The Path of Sorrows, when the chronological ordering switches the uniforms back.
Other much more spoilery advantages to this order include:
- The nanotech shield. In airdate order, it was used before Dr. Chambers invents it. In this order, it makes sense.
- The Apocalypse Box's warning about Galen (in The Memory of War) foreshadows a small distrust between Gideon and Galen that grows throughout the episodes (when in this order), all the way through The Well of Forever. Word of God is that it would have gotten far worse through the remainder of the season.
- Gideon and Lochley's familiarity with each other.
Among others.
(To be perfectly honest, I almost suggest skipping Crusade altogether. Episode 1x14 was planned to be its version of Signs and Portents, launching the true storyline of the series... So what did manage to get filmed largely feels like a teaser to something that will never happen. Very frustrating.)