In the animated television series Young Justice, The Team has several run ins with an enemy telepath named Simon I didn't notice this until it is revealed that Miss Martian is actually a white Martian rather than a Green one and I noticed the physical similarities between Miss Martian and Simon and it got me thinking.

Is Simon a white Martian? And if so then why doesn't he use other Martian powers such as Shapeshifting, Telekinesis, Density Shifting, and Extreme Transparency?


1 Answer 1


Psimon is not a Martian.

Psimon is a human, born in United States of America. He got his powers from Trigon, a demon.

His powers are:

  • Psychokinesis
  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy

And he's also really smart. As impressive as that is, he's only human.

His origin story: enter image description here From New Teen Titans volume 1, Issue 3, from year 1981.

  • Really? Wow I thought that with his ultra pale skin and exposed brain that he was a white Martian for sure. Commented Apr 15, 2016 at 16:07
  • @TheMandolorian he's definitely human. Sure, you can see the effects of daemonic influence on him, but still human.
    – Petersaber
    Commented Apr 15, 2016 at 18:37

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