It was a short story set in not so distant and a bit dystopian future.
- Main protagonist (male, I think) lived in a world where paper was not used due to rarity/ecological issues/government ban (and thus all communication could be monitored).
- The world wasn't pictured as grim, but rather unnerving.
- The main protagonist is contacted by some underground organization (via paper) which needs his help in order to release probably last living, and possibly telepathic dolphin.
- The dolphin is not a recurring character, most important thing in the plot is the way main character is portrayed.
- I'm 90% sure that the protagonist was contacted because he works as a journalist or writer.
- I remember that they succeed in the release.
I read the story in question about 4 or more years ago, and it may have been a part of some collection or a shortened "beginner level English" book. I may have read it in Russian, or it may have originally been in Russian, although it most probably wasn't.
I am in no way sure about the details (except the dolphin and paper), so I would be glad for anything even distantly resembling the details.
So far it's not
- Johnny Mnemonic
- Easy Travel to Other Planets
- Ishmael in love
- Star Trek (they save a whale, not a dolphin)
- The Uplift series