Warning: untagged spoilers from The Hero of Ages, book 3 in the Mistborn trilogy, may follow.
It has been established that only those with Hemalurgic spikes can see and hear the god Ruin: Spook and Quellion could both see the figure they thought of as 'Kelsier' right up until Spook removed their spikes, and Vin could see and hear him as long as she kept her earring in, but his voice was instantly cut off when Marsh removed it.
This makes sense in a way, since Hemalurgy is the power of Ruin: only those who have been spiked, and are therefore susceptible to his influence at least to some degree, are able to perceive his presence. But it still leaves the question of who could see and hear Ruin's opposite number, the god Preservation.
The obvious answer would be "Allomancers", but I don't think this can be it. If I recall correctly, Preservation, or "the mist spirit" as they thought of him then, appeared to Elend during The Well of Ascension, before he became an Allomancer. So:
are there any restrictions on who can see and hear Preservation, and if so, what are they?