In Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2, we see long-distance space travel. It involves piloting your ship into some sort of "jump point" that opens up in space, taking the shape of a honeycomb-like structure with a single hex missing.
The way it's describe, these points are fixed in space: early in the movie, the Guardians have to out-run an enemy fleet to reach the one they need; later on, we see them fly through a very long series of them in sequence. It's also made clear that doing too many of these "jumps" in a row has consequences for the passengers.
The process seems to be similar to, say, the Mass Effect relay setup, mixed with a bit of Star Wars hyperspace travel.
Is this the first time we have seen long-distance space travel in the MCU? Is there anything from the source material that explains how this works from a logistical standpoint? If there's any information on the "science" behind it, that would also be helpful.