We have no reliable way to tell.
Ego certainly claimed that the events at the end of the movie would mean that Peter was primarily human (and mortal, and non-glowing-ball-creating) at the end of the movie. Every on-screen act supports this - Peter is unable to do any of his Ego-like acts until he reaches Ego (the planet) and is taught how to use the abilities. During the lessons, he is told to reach out to the core of the planet, which is also the core of Ego's being. During the climax, the core of the planet is what
Groot destroys.
When this happens and Ego feels the effects, he certainly claims that it will prevent Peter from using his abilities, and indicates that it will make him "just like everyone else". There is on-screen evidence to support this, as well, as we see the visual evidence of Peter's abilities fade.
That said, Peter still has all the genetics that permitted him to use those abilities. He still has the capability, and we have only Ego's word that there are no other compatible power sources. Ego has every reason to lie in this case, as it is his last bid to save his own life and advance (or at least salvage) his plan. We have no evidence that his words were a lie, but it is not impossible that he was lying or mistaken.
For this reason, while it is likely that Peter is now just a fairly 'normal' human, that is not certain.
There is, of course, another possibility as to what happened:
(image courtesy of Texts From Superheroes)
Post-Infinity War Edit:
During Infinity War, we see Starlord post-Ego. In most ways, he acts and reacts as a normal human. He does do some outlandish physical feats (such as handling superpowered combat relatively well, and surviving at least one long fall) but no moreso than most other 'normal' superheroes.
Thus, he is (at most) an enhanced human, with high-end human capabilities augmented by his alien technology. Starlord post-Ego is not significantly different than Starlord from GotG 1.