At the age of fifteen, Paul Atreides found that he had Mentat abilities - abilities which were enhanced by his mother's Bene Gesserit training and later proved pivotal in his role as Muad'Dib. His father, Duke Leto I, was surprised to learn this and was the one to tell Paul of his potential:
"Your mother wanted me to be the one to tell you, son. You see, you may have Mentat capabilities."
Paul stared at his father, unable to speak for a moment, then: "A Mentat? Me? But I . . . "
"Hawat agrees, son. It's true."
Paul's children, Leto II and Ghanima, were the first descendants of the Atreides bloodline to have both male & female ancestral memories. Leto II, of course, would be the one to
finish what his father started, becoming the God Emperor of Dune and leading humanity along the Golden Path.
I am unclear, however, on whether Paul's children also had mentat abilities, or if they merely inherited his prescience and memories.
Was Paul Atreides the only one in his bloodline with mentat abilities, or did his children/descendants also have this potential?