I remember reading a short story from an anthology of science fiction short stories. I was probably 13 or 14, which was 45 years ago. I believe the paperback was old, perhaps from the 30's or 40's.
The basic plot is a man wakes up in his same dreary apartment, looks up at the same wallpaper, and I believe a crack in the ceiling plaster. He's bored, he goes to work, he has a boring life, but he senses that something is different. He eventually learns he was killed weeks earlier, perhaps getting hit by a car and he is actually in heaven. He's confused, upset that this is not what heaven should be. His counselor or angel explains that since he never tried to make any changes to his world when he was alive they assumed he was happy with his life and surroundings, so his life in heaven had been patterned after the life he settled for on Earth.
One last clue, for some reason I believe the author had an unusual name, like "Rod of Rodnan"