In the book Nineteen Eighty-Four, Winston Smith works in the Ministry of Truth, a ministry
whose primary job was not to reconstruct the past but to supply the citizens of Oceania with newspapers, films, textbooks, telescreen programs, plays, novels- with every conceivable kind of information, instruction, or entertainment...
A daunting job, to be sure.
The Ministry of Truth (along with its sisters Love, Plenty, and Peace) lies in London, in Airstrip One (formerly England). Airstrip One is
itself the third most populous of the provinces of Oceania
which lends the question: why are the Ministries of Peace, Plenty, and Truth in London rather than a more populated city or province?
While I can imagine multiple Ministries of Love to keep order in every province, Peace seems less necessary in every province, especially since mass recruitment doesn’t appear to be an issue - the war is fought by trained specialists, rather than by massive numbers of people. Entertainment seems to be fairly standardized, thanks to writing being controlled by machines and distributed in a standard language, so Truth wouldn’t need to be in every province. And Plenty, best we can tell, doesn’t seem to do much except decide what is going to be scarce this month. So, why would they be in London rather than the most populous province? The only reason I can think of is London is the home of the Revolution, shown by the original leaders of the Revolution meeting under the Spreading Chestnut Tree, but keeping the Ministries there because that was the original home seems more sentimental than normal for the Party. Again, why are the Ministries in London? In- and out-of-world answers are welcome.