In The Phantom Menace after he brings the Naboo and the Gungans together, we see Boss Nass immediately make Jar Jar a "Bombad General".
NASS: Yousa doen grand. Jar Jar bringen usen and da Naboo together. So, wesa make you Bombad General.
JAR JAR: General?! Oh no...
If Bombad General is roughly equivalent in stature and responsibilities to a more traditional General, why would Boss Nass give someone with (seemingly) no prior military experience and a history of being so "clumsy" that he was banished this important role?
It doesn't seem to be a merely honorary rank, since we see Jar Jar leading at least a portion (if not the entirety, it's unclear in the film) of the Gungan army at the Great Grass Plains against the droid army during the Battle of Naboo.
The rank of General has always been given out like candy in the Star Wars universe (Lando in particular seems to gain the rank very quickly, as do literally all the Jedi Knights after the formation of the Republic Army), but this seems egregious even by Star Wars standards, leading to the question, is Bombad General perhaps a much lower rank than the presence of the term "General" would lead us to believe?