There's a little bit of extra dialogue in the script that would suggest that he's reading off their temperature (in degrees?)
OBI-WAN: Careful . . . we're heating up-twelve thousand . . . thirteen
thousand . . .
ANAKIN: What's our speed?
OBI-WAN: Eight plus sixty-forty. Eight plus sixty-twenty. Eight plus
sixty. Temp ten thousand, nine thousand . . . we're in the atmosphere
. . .
ANAKIN points to one of the controls. ARTOO beeps madly.
ANAKIN: Grab that . . . Keep us level.
OBI-WAN: Steady. Steady.
ANAKIN: Easy, Artoo. Hang on, this may get a little rough. We lost our
heat shields.
OBI-WAN: Five thousand. Three thousand . . . two thousand. Fireships
on the left and the right.