In the early to late 1990's, a short story made into an episode of The Twilight Zone, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, or possibly The Outer Limits was the story of a man's encounter with the ultimate temptation. But I can't pinpoint the exact episode, no search engine seems to lead there.
The Devil (played by an Afro-Caribbean American actor, I recall), offers the man anything his heart desires. The man attempts to politely turn down the foe, but the Devil persists, saying that there must be something that the man wants, the Devil can give him anything, can travel to the beginning and the end of time, from one side to the other of the universe, he knows how to find and retrieve everything and anything that the man wants - so what is the man's dearest wish and the Devil will grant it.
The man refuses again, the Devil persists, saying that he can grant any wish - there is nothing, nothing at all that he cannot do if the man wishes it.
The story ends when the man finally gives-in (sort-of), and tells the Devil his wish: "Get lost" the man said. The look of shocked realization on the Devil's face tells us he knows that the man has won, as it's something he can't do.