A friend just commented that they couldn't use VR because it made them question reality and it reminded me of a story I can't remember the name of...
Story Summary The protagonist enters a shady business in the global south that sells custom time-accelerated VR and seeks to be tortured.
They have been a torturer (I think mostly for punishment, rather than information retrieval) for an oppressive regime for some time - putting people through endless virtual hellscapes and resetting them before breaking them utterly.
One day brings a fresh subject - an ex-collaeague/associate of the protagonist. They discover in one of the simulations that the subject has feelings for the torturer/protagonist. This is used against the subject relentlessly - countless virtual versions of the protagonist humiliate and beat the subject to death, over many subjective lifetimes. The protagonist discovers that even when the subject is absolutely broken the subject still loves the protagonist. This horrifies them and causes them to re-examine their life.
And so they come to be tortured, clutching stolen money. The story persuades the VR artist, and the protagonist gets put in the VR pod, and it closes. Seconds later the pod opens and clothes are thrust in the protagonist's hands - enforcers are on the way, the money has been traced.
The protagonist stumbles away, scraping their knuckles to the bone on stucco walls, convinced that they are still in the machine... End summary
I do think I probably read it in paper, and it's probably "golden age" anglophone SF, but I can't remember more than that!