I'm searching for a short story about a time in humanity's future when we are able to prove that reincarnation does occur naturally, and a newborn can be scanned to find out who they were in previous lives. From what I remember the story is mostly around the problems that arise when that belief is combined with capitalism, as someone can be born in an impoverished area, only to be told that they have accrued huge debt in a previous life and will spent their new life in apparent slavery.
Other details:
- It was published in a collection of other sci-fi short stories, can't remember much of a connecting theme so it could have been Hugo nominees or something like that
- I think I first read this collection at least 15 years ago, but I don't know if that's when it was published
- Another story in that collection was around a young girl grappling with the decision whether or not to undergo a treatment to "cure" her autism, wondering if she would still feel like herself afterwards etc.
If anyone can help with this I'll be eternally grateful, it's a mystery that's bugged me for years and years!