In book 7 of The Expanse and those after, a series of events happen :
simultaneous loss of consciousness in the whole earth solar system, and then some other exotic versions of this event : changes to the speed of light, the rate of quantum particle apparitions, the charge of the electron if memory serves me correctly, and some other chemical things.
They are described, the first time it happens and is witnessed on a global scale
which is when the Laconians fire the magnetic gun on Tycho Station,
as a nonlocal event, as a way of explaining how it affected the entire solar system at once, disregarding the speed of light.
However, each of these events happen in one single solar system. And all the solar systems accessible through the Dandelion are part of the Milky Way galaxy or at least of our universe, as is confirmed several times across the series, notably:
after the Tecoma / booby-trapped system event in book 8, when the system at the other side of the Dandelion, the Thanjavur colony gets destroyed, the characters talk about seeing its star go off in some dozen years, the time the light coming off of that star reaches earth.
Other examples of things going simultaneous, disregarding the speed of light, happen in the series:
for one, there's the communication between the hybrid person infected with the protomolecule and the "green diamond the size of Jupiter", Elvi describes that after a time of transit at the speed of light, the communication is instantaneous. There is also the strokes Amos suffers when the other kids transformed by the Laconian drones are exposed to that diamond, and most notably, when that happens, Amos and the kids are in different solar systems.
So, in short, if each of these events is non-local, why is it local to a single solar system? That sounds like an inconsistency.