I can't recall what episode I saw this from- basically when a doctor under Pulaski tells her some equipment in Sick Bay isn't working right she tells him to put a patient's arm in a sling.

When he admits he doesn't know what a sling is and she explains it to him, he considers the concept primitive and backward (not his exact words but the general sentiment).

1 Answer 1


This is Season 2, Episode 11 - Contagion.

Here is the relevant quote -

MEDIC: I've got a problem here. The knitter isn't working.

PULASKI: Try a splint.

MEDIC: Doctor?

PULASKI: Splint. It's a very ancient concept. You take two flat pieces of wood or plastic, a bandage. The broken limb is kept immobile.

DOCTOR: That's crazy, that's not practicing medicine.

Full Transcript can be found here.

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