I have a question regarding The Dark Knight Rises. It is shown in the film, that the police managed for 8 years to completely suppress the Gotham criminal world by using the Dent Act, proposed after
the death of Harvey Dent in the previous movie.
The question is - what is this act about? I mean, what kind of law improvement did it make so that the crime would cease to exist for such a long period? This question has two aspects:
- The main obstacle in fighting the crime is the need for the Police itself to obey the Law and not to violate the Rights of the criminals. You cannot torture people under suspicion, these people have a right for lawyer and etc. How could Dent Act violate that? After all, Gotham is just a city, not even a state. Therefore it cannot introduce laws that contradict state laws and federal laws (although I am not an US citizen and not sure about that).
- The economical basis. Organized crime exists due to the nature of the market trade economy. If it is profitable to sell drugs, there always will be someone who sells them. If prostitution is profitable, someone will always practice that. In order to defeat the basis of the crime world you have to change drastically the economy basis. Could the Dent act do that?