I see there's a recent question on here about a book that sounds similar to this, but this was definitely a movie, most likely a made-for-TV movie, that didn't seem futuristic at all.
The plot featured a blonde boy with a 90s hair cut who was home alone or something and was pretty hooked on his gameboy or gaming thing and gets transported to some kind of hokey island with a cool set design and some puppets or something. He's with some kind of mentor?
This was definitely a kids movie and not scary or suspenseful at all. This has been in the back of my mind for years and I've never been able to identify anything about it that would lead me to the answer. I've searched "list of Nickelodeon made-for-TV movies" and "list of Disney made-for-TV movies" and I don't think it's in either of those, but it's possible I overlooked it.