Since the end of the Time War the Daleks have been near extinct and some of the plots of the previously released seasons have been about the Daleks regaining their former strength (Bad Wolf Station, The Cult of Scaro's Genesis Ark and experiments in New York, the Daleks Paradigm). the only time that we see they suddenly appeared with their former numbers was when Daleks Thane of the Cult of Scaro broke the Time Lock during an emergency Temporal Shift and inadvertently saved Davros's ship.
Yet after The Doctor caused a second Big Band with the Pandorica the Daleks seem to be a full blown empire as we see when they capture him, Amy and Rory to deal with the Daleks Asylum.
I am wondering, is it explained how the Daleks regained their numbers, or did The Doctor inadvertently bring them back to full strength with the Pandorica?