Linked Questions

-3 votes
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Why heroes of Tolkien novels didn't use birds to reach Mordor or Erebor? [duplicate]

First of all - I never read Tolkien novels, that's why my knowledge about this world is only from movies. Secondly, I have a rationalistic point of view on the whole universe and there is no place for ...
Viacheslav Kondratiuk's user avatar
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Why couldn't the Fellowship use the Eagles? [duplicate]

For those unfamiliar with the video (and unable to access it), Gandalf basically summons some eagles, they fly over Mt Doom and drop the ring in. I guess my question is not so much "why they didn't" ...
Adrian K's user avatar
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33 answers

Why don't Muggle-born wizards use Muggle technology to fight Death Eaters?

We know that wizards in the Harry Potter universe are subject to regular physical harm (e.g. witness injuries from being hit by Bludgers or just colliding with things when playing Quidditch). ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
64 votes
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Why Couldn't a Time Turner Have been Used to Stop Voldemort?

With the use of a time turner, that opens a whole "Pandora's Box" of possibilities. While the use of one can be problematical, when the Ministry of Magic found out how dangerous Voldemort was, why ...
Tango's user avatar
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Since Boromir wanted the One ring so badly, why didn't he volunteer to take it during the Council of Elrond?

So I'm currently reading through the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the first time and this question has popped into my head. Boromir clearly desperately wanted the ring, as evidenced by him trying to ...
Saya Perez's user avatar
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Were there any other ways into Mordor?

The two ways that Frodo considers in order to make his way into Mordor are The Black Gate and The Pass of Cirith Ungol. These seem to be the only ways that anyone considers taking at any point, yet ...
Mike.C.Ford's user avatar
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Who is "He that flies" in Lord of the Rings?

In the chapter 7 of book three in Lord of the Rings titled "Helm's Deep", the scout says the following. ‘It is very great,’ said the scout. ‘He that flies counts every foeman twice, yet I have ...
3N4N's user avatar
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Why didn't the Fellowship use horses for transportation?

A kind of similarity to this question, Why didn't Gandalf or Frodo Fly to Mount Doom? The difference is that this question I'm asking is why didn't the fellowship use horses for transportation ...
The Witch King of Angmar's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a longer audio clip than this where Tolkien discusses the Eagles?

I was linked to this today: At first, I assumed that it was faked/cut together, but now I think it's real, and that he really did say this while alive. I never knew ...
Rhonin Markell's user avatar
18 votes
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Star trek: Into darkness - why not just detonate the "cold fusion" device remotely?

At the start of Star Trek: Into Darkness, Spock is almost killed detonating a "cold fusion" device to stop a volcano blowing up a primitive tribe. However, for a civilisation that possesses such ...
berry120's user avatar
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9 votes
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In Star Trek: Voyager, why didn't Janeway just go back in time and use the Barzan wormhole?

So we already know that shufflings about time travel have been well-established by the time that Janeway and co. are mucking about. Kirk used it (quite causally) in TOS and in Star Trek IV, for ...
Daniel Davis's user avatar
-2 votes
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Did Gandalf have a secret plan? [closed]

I've checked this question out, and Keen offers a great explanation for the seeming plot hole, but my question is a little different. After reading this reddit post, I'm really curious whether ...
Huey's user avatar
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How do the Eagles decide where to drop people off?

In The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings, eagles appear occasionally. How do they decide where to drop people off? Is it directed by a character? Or are they conscious enough to decide on a ...
LevenTrek's user avatar
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