Linked Questions

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Why was the Elder Wand not conflicted? [duplicate]

Harry has part of Voldemort living within himself. When Voldemort's spell rebounded when he first tried to kill Harry, part of Voldemort's soul latched on to Harry, which basically makes him and ...
Robert's user avatar
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Why is the Elder Wand aligned with Harry and not Voldemort? [duplicate]

I get that Draco was the true master of the elder wand, and by disarming Draco, Harry becomes the wands true master. However... When Harry is hit by Voldemort's killing curse in the forbidden forest,...
Jance's user avatar
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Should Voldemort have been the true owner of the elder wand? [duplicate]

In the Deathly Hallows Harry and Voldemort are fighting in the forest. Voldemort defeats and kills Harry, why didn't Voldemort become the true owner of the Elder Wand and therefore win their final ...
Simon Aspinall's user avatar
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Why didn't Harry die in the dark forest?

I know that this question may sound like it has a very obvious answer, and many of you may just say that Harry didn't die because he was the Master of Death, as he had the possession of the three ...
AugustoQ's user avatar
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How did Harry come to master the Elder Wand?

Harry takes Draco Malfoy's hawthorn wand, not the Elder Wand. How, then, does he become the master of the Elder Wand, which he never took from its true owner (Draco), or touched? Does a wizard lose ...
Jay's user avatar
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Is there any canon proof that Elder Wand actually works as reputed in a duel?

There seems to be a lot of power attributed to the Elder Wand by various sources in Deathly Hallows. However, looking at it soberly, there doesn't seem to be almost any actual evidence to support it....
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
18 votes
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What were Dumbledore's actual intentions for the Elder Wand?

This question contains spoilers. When reading the question How was Harry supposed to defeat Voldemort in Dumbledore's original plan?, I thought that the OP had erred when saying (emphasis mine): ...
NominSim's user avatar
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Why didn't the Elder Wand answer to Voldemort?

When Voldemort cast the Avada Kedavra spell on Harry it basically disarmed him. So why didn't the Elder Wand answer to Voldemort afterwards?
Tayyab ihsan's user avatar
10 votes
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Is selling a used wand the same as winning it in a duel?

If a wizard sells a second-hand wand, is this the same as winning it in a duel? Could Voldemort have bought the Elder Wand from Snape instead of killing him for it?
Richard C's user avatar
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Why didn't Harry get the Elder Wand?

In the final battle scene of Harry Potter & The Cursed Child,
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