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Questions tagged [morphing]

For questions about or heavily involving the morphing technology from Animorphs.

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5 votes
3 answers

Could the animorphs change into anything with DNA?

Since all living things have cells, could it be possible for someone with the morphing ability be able to change into a bacteria, or even a plant?
CBredlow's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How old is the morphing technology in Animorphs?

In the Animorphs book (and shortly-lived television) series, the ability to morph into animals is conferred via touching an Escafil Device, a blue cube named for its Andalite creator. However, the ...
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21 votes
3 answers

Why do Animorphs have a two hour limit?

Why is there a two hour time limit on a morph? Is there anything in canon that explains why?
user50532's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

In Animorphs why can't a nothlit reuse the Escafil Device?

In Animorphs why can't Tobias reuse the Escafil Device or the Morphing Cube once he becomes a nothlit (stuck as a red tailed hawk)? In the book The Change the Ellimist restores his power to morph. ...
Lando Calrissian's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Where does the extra mass come from in a high-mass morph?

So, in Animorphs, the kids gain the ability to morph into any animal they can touch. For the most part, the exact mechanics are hand-waved due to it being magic-like alien technology, but one in ...
Izkata's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What was Cassie planning to morph into when assaulting the Yeerk Pool?

In the first Animorphs book The Invasion, the group decide to attack the Yeerk Pool in order to save Jake's brother Tom. In order to achieve this, they all acquire animal DNA that would be suitable ...
Mike.C.Ford's user avatar
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