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How many years did Lister survive after coming out of stasis?

According to the Grant Naylor Red Dwarf books Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers and Better than life, how long did Dave Lister survive once Holly brought him out of stasis? I'm looking for a novel ...
Major Stackings's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

David Lister is the last human being in the Universe. What happened to the rest of the human race?

The Red Dwarf crew died from radiation while David Lister was in stasis. What happened to kill off the rest of humanity? Why is David Lister the last human being in the Universe?
Major Stackings's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Which A.I. has the highest I.Q. on the Red Dwarf, Kryten, or the Talkie Toaster?

Holly is no longer the sharpest knife in the drawer, having lost his I.Q. of 6,000. Which of the remaining artificial intelligence units on board the Red Dwarf has the highest I.Q, Kryten, or the ...
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