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What do I read before diving into 2016 Spider-Man/Deadpool crossover comics?

I've wanted to get into the comics side of things so I decided to start with the two characters I know best out of all of them, but I don't know what I should read beforehand. Should I read all of the ...
BennyBettsy's user avatar
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Are the X-Men movies related to Deadpool? [duplicate]

No spoilers, please! My friend and I plan to see Deadpool soon, but she hasn't seen any of the X-Men movies. Would she benefit at all from having seen the X-Men movies (or at least, any specific ones)...
user24601's user avatar
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Reading order for Bob, Agent of Hydra

Bob, Agent of Hydra (aka Hydra Bob) is a minor Hydra extra in the comics who is sometimes a sidekick of Deadpool. What is the reading order for the comics featuring Hydra Bob?
ibid's user avatar
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In what order should I read Deadpool TPB's?

With the upcoming Deadpool movie, I've become interested in reading his comics. For reasons of both time and money, I'm not interested in hunting down individual issues, so trade paperbacks and ...
Doge The Explorer's user avatar
15 votes
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What is the correct reading order for Deadpool?

I have read random Deadpool graphic novels over the years. I would really like to start from the beginning, but I don't know where to start. Can someone post a complete reading order for me?
BryceH's user avatar
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