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Questions tagged [superman-the-animated-series]

Superman: The Animated Series (1996-2000) was a TV cartoon series inspired by the success of Batman: The Animated Series. As with all DCAU works, it has continuity only there. Use with the [dc] and [dc-animated-universe] tags. Use with the [superman] tag when referring to the titular superhero

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12 votes
2 answers

Which real world computers are the workstations shown at the Daily Planet in the DCAU show Superman: The Animated Series based on?

Here are some images of the workstations used by the reporters at the Daily Planet: Which real world computers are these workstations based on?
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11 votes
3 answers

Why do the female imps in the DCAU look like human women and not like the male imps? Is this the case in the comics as well?

As shown in the following clip from the DCAU show Superman: The Animated Series (1996–2000), the female imp looks very much like how a typical human woman in the DCAU would look, as opposed to being ...
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