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Jason Baker
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Not at all, in fact there are several examples of Force-sensitive animals in Legends materials.

Based on the examples, Force-sensitive creatures just have some heightened senses, and occasionally some special powers. Most of the examples on the page I linked to above are vague, but to take some of the more concrete examples:

  • Jubba birds, native to Dagobah, have a Force-assisted song:

The Jubba's most distinct feature was its unique hum, a soothing and eerie melodic whistle that calmed all but the most angry creatures and beings, and was a manifestation of the Force.

  • Marsh Haunts, a predatory species common on Mid- and Outer-Rim worlds, uses Force powers for hunting:

While non-sentient, they worked in loose packs of two to eight creatures to ambush prey, with some of them using their Force powers to scare potential prey toward the rest.

  • Muttamoks, introduced in the Star Wars RPG, appears to use the Force to communicate to a limited extent:

They were attracted to bright, shiny objects. A muttamok often went on the prowl for such objects, commonly resulting in thievery if needed. When captured by the item in question's owner, they could use an innate Force ability in a plea for sympathy.

  • Pelko bugs, native to Korriban, also use the Force to hunt, though unlike the Marsh Haunts they use it to determine what prey is worth attacking:

They lived only beneath sands of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, and were attracted to Force-sensitives. They would stalk and swarm their prey in the darkness. The bug's attunement to the Force allowed them to determine if a creature was suitable prey, as Darth Bane found when exploring the Valley, in which they found he was too powerful and did not attack.

  • Taozin and ysalamiri are both able to disrupt the abilities of other Force-sensitives:

Force-sensitive creatures, taozin could interfere with the sense abilities of Force-sensitives, making them appear invisible in the Force.


Ysalamiri did not actually negate the Force; since all existence was infused with Force energy, this would not be possible. Rather, they projected a bubble inside which users were unable to exert any influence over the Force.

  • Much like the Pelko bugs, vornskrs use the Force to sense their prey, the ysalmiri from above:

The vornskr, native to the planet Myrkr, were a wild, vicious canine species that had the unusual ability to sense the Force. This ability evolved to help them hunt ysalamiri, but a side effect caused them to think that Force-sensitives were their favorite prey, including Jedi in their appetite.

  • Voxyn, a genetically modified hybrid of the vornskr, also hunt through the Force, and have some Force abilities as a result:

As they were made to kill Jedi, the voxyn could sense Force-sensitives through the Force and had a variety of deadly abilities and tools at their disposal: sonic blasts, flesh–melting acid, disease–coated claws, and a poisonous barbed tail.

  • As Omegacron reminds me in comments, Hssiss have the ability to become invisible, very probably by using a Force ability:

Hssiss also had the ability to conceal themselves and become invisible, possibly doing so through the Force.

  • Although it's not clear that the Terentatek can use any Force powers, they do appear sensitive to the Dark Side; it's said that they hibernate when the Dark Side is weak in the galaxy, and come out in Force when it resurges:

It was theorized that they were once rancors, subjected to mutations by the Sith, and that when the dark side was weak in the galaxy, terentatek would hibernate and remain dormant for many years, only to return when the dark side was strong again.


Nothing that I can find. Of the creatures I mentioned above only two, the Jubba bird and the Terentatek, have been introduced into the new canon. Unfortunately I'm not confident that the Force-sensitivity made the trip.

Jason Baker
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