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For questions about the fantasy series created by C.S. Lewis 'The Chronicles of Narnia' that follows the mythical realm of Narnia. The first three books (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Prince Caspian; and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) were later made into popular films. Also refers to the mythical land of Narnia within the series.

7 votes

How did Lucy/Edmund travel multiple times to Narnia (in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)?

It's clear that what is meant is that a method of traveling to Narnia will only work for one incident. The whole episode with the wardrobe counts as a single travel incident in this accounting. Note …
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17 votes

How did Susan forget about Narnia?

Like any question of belief in C. S. Lewis's post-conversion writing, the question of how Susan came not to believe in Narnia comes back to how Lewis felt about a specific issue in Christianity. Susa …
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57 votes

How did Jadis, The White Witch, obtain the right to kill a traitor in Narnia?

I too wondered about this as a child, and I ended up researching it. The basic conclusion I came to is that this was a major retcon, and like the other elements of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardro …
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11 votes

Missing day in The Horse and His Boy

It is entirely possible that C. S. Lewis made a mistake in setting up the timing of Rabadash's siege and assault. However, there is nothing in the text that is explicitly inconsistent. It is clear f …
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21 votes

Are the Dwarfs meant to represent Jews in The Last Battle?

That does not seem to be the case. The Dwarfs seem generically to represent those who had, beguiled by the world, fallen into disbelief and villainy, but who still had a chance to redeem themselves i …
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1 vote

What is the proper formatting for "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader"?

The correct solution is to use whatever the contextually correct form of emphasis is for the ship name. This depends on the format and the default styling. As the question points out, when the runni …
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