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For questions about the 'Star Wars' universe created by George Lucas. By default, this tag is for questions about canon works in the 'Star Wars' universe. Indicate that works in the Legends continuity are acceptable and/or desired by using the [star-wars-legends] tag.

5 votes

Why did the Jedi serve a corrupt Republic?

The answer has two parts: Not serving the Republic would have allowed the corruption to grow faster and increased suffering more Holding the idea that you can change the Galaxy (for the better) with …
DavidW's user avatar
  • 143k
8 votes
3 answers

Why did the Snow speeders attack the AT-ATs from the front?

Having just watched Empire Strikes Back again with my sons, I noticed that Luke and his fellow speeder pilots are under heavy fire on every attack run. The thing is: The AT-ATs appear to only have fo …