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25 votes

How did Louis guess the major reveal in Ringworld?

There is ample evidence that the Ringworld is very old (millions of years); the evidence includes, for example, the level of divergence of the humanoids populating the Ringworld from Earthly humanity. ...
Buzz's user avatar
  • 102k
14 votes

Why is the Map of Earth on the Ringworld?

The Pak who built the Ringworld don't know about the initial expedition to Earth. To them, Earth is just another planet relatively close to the Ringworld with a primitive species on it (just like the ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 60.7k
12 votes

How did Louis guess the major reveal in Ringworld?

The key piece of information was the view from the map room the expedition discovered. The room displayed tapes from telescopes that offered an aerial view of the ringworld in the past. Fist-of-God ...
Kyle Jones's user avatar
  • 54.1k
9 votes

Why not build smaller Ringworlds?

The answer comes from physics. A ringworld has to have the sun at its center (otherwise it would be vigorously unstable and you'd have strange lighting effects and no easy way for the sun shields to ...
Mark Olson's user avatar
  • 42.4k
8 votes

Why not build smaller Ringworlds?

The Ringworld Engineers reveals that the Ringworld was built by Pak Protectors; by bringing in the Pak, TRE also brings in the events of Protector, which explains what happens when protectors compete ...
Andrew's user avatar
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6 votes

Will Ringworld be taken over by the sunflowers?

They could...but not completely. on Sunflowers (on the 40th Anniversary of Ringworld) Even so, sunflowers will never take over the entire structure’s land area. Sunflowers need carbon dioxide ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
  • 25.5k
5 votes

Will Ringworld be taken over by the sunflowers?

As explained in World of Ptavvs, the sunflowers are under the control of the Tnuctip, something that Kzanol is too dim to figure out but that Greenberg does. So whether they have a natural enemy is ...
JdeBP's user avatar
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4 votes

Why did the Ringworld Engineers use flatten map as a way of forming maps of worlds?

The actual answer is a major plot spoiler.
Resuna's user avatar
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3 votes

Can a Slaver Disintegrator destroy a General Products Hull?

For interest, this question is discussed a little bit in this reddit thread but comes to no conclusion. That said, yes, there is no reason a slaver disintegrator could not destroy a GP hull. As I ...
Broklynite's user avatar
  • 22.8k
2 votes

How did Louis guess the major reveal in Ringworld?

The previous answers cover most of the questions @Sparhawk asked, but I'll elaborate on this: "Do you realize that most of the traveling we did was between those two punctures?" This is ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes

How much did Larry Niven's Ringworld inspire the Halo game franchise?

Structure - indeed. Forerunners etc more taken from P.Anthony's Cluster series. The troopers are more Starship Troopers with some 40k Ultramarine... lots of cross- pollination.
Forerunner Bob's user avatar
1 vote

How would one navigate on Larry Niven's "Ringworld"?

One factor that would help people identify their position on the Ring is the fact that the Ring's inner surface is curved two ways - it's curved to make a Ring around the Sun, obviously, but it's ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 60.7k

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