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@Izkata Quite right. But can vampires reproduce sexually? My understanding is that since they inhabit a corpse, they can't have children - hence the big deal with connor. I wonder if a vampire can turn a demon? That would probably be the equivalent.
Yes, but I'm only asking about the ones that can interbreed. We see examples in the show of part-human demons, and if two species can hybridize with humans, then they can with each other.
@Steve-O it's actually canon that all of the "demon" species are part human - the result of the Old Ones breeding with humans before they were banished.
Nope. If that was the case, some bright spark would have invented a frag torpedo, and suddenly shields would be useless. Navigational deflectors are weak shields designed only to protect against small, low-energy collisions, and thus use far less energy, which is why they are used for navigation rather than full-blown combat shields.
@Liath They are not barcode scanners - they are futuristic devices that happen to look like barcode scanners, and it's cheaper and easier to buy a bunch of barcode scanners than to specially order things that look like them.
@HorusKol - speaking as an londoner, I have never heard "grief" used this way - "beef" may be american, but at least it is used widely enough to be understood. Maybe your usage is archaic or regional?