lookingLooking for a novel, probably in the fantasy genre.
fromFrom the povpoint of view of a girl, who was abducted by some crazy and cruel supreme being, whom she calls 'father'.
sheShe, along with other kids, was raised by this god. everyEvery kid was taught a different skillset. theyThey lived in a village which had zombies for residents. sheShe was some kind of librarian.
ummAmong the other kids: there there was:
a necromancer girl who could walk the afterlife, father killed her a few times, then resourrected her.
a necromancer girl who could walk the afterlife, 'father' killed her a few times, then resurrected her.a guy who could talk to animals, but lost the ability to communicate with humans,
a guy who could talk to animals, but lost the ability to communicate with humans,some other guy who was a warrior? and who was punished by 'father' for some minor disobedience by burning him alive in a sarcophagus.
some other guy who was a warrior? and who was punished by 'father' for some minor disobedience by burning him alive in a sarcophagus.
itIt seemed as if all the kids raised by father were suffering from cptsdCPSTD, but they could do nothing to resist him and his 'education'.
thereThere was some kind of taking lepoardleopard-god, whom the girl tricks into walking into a trap to get rid of him.
atAt the beginning of the story, father'father' disappears, and the kids - now adults - assemble to find out what happened to father and discuss the succession.
theseThese 'siblings' - the(the successors of father'father') are all supernatural beings with long lifespan, possibly immortals, due to his lessons.
theThe siblings all lived in different parts of the world and returned after hearing of father's disappearance.
there'sThere's an enemy they should defeat who is more cruel than 'father'.
noNo idea about the cover and when icover; I read the book.it anywhere between 3-10 years ago. i DNF'dI did not finish it, so this is all iI remember.