In a well known Easter Egg in Star Wars Episode 1 (The Phantom Menace), there is a species shown seated in the Senate of the Republic which at least partially resembles... E.T. (of Spielberg's "E.T." movie).
I am referring to these aliens:
In addition, there is a lot of evidence that when combined with out out of universe knowledge, hints at the fact that E.T.'s race does in fact live in Star Wars Universe, as discussed in the answer to " Are E.T. and Star Wars in the same universe? " - including the fact that there is a planet with the same name as E.T.'s homeworld (known as Brodo Asogi) that exists.
My question is, however:
Is there any canon confirmation (as opposed to "well, what else could they be" inference) that the aliens with E.T.-like looks shown in TPM movie are indeed the same beings who live on the world called "Brodo Asogi" in the Extended Universe?
In other words:
We know SW EU contains aliens who are E.T. look-alikes.
We know that SW EU contains aliens living on a planet whose name is identical to E.T.'s home planet (Brodo Asogi).
But, do we have direct canon proof (as opposed to inference) that those 2 are the same race?
Possible confirmations could be, but not limited to, explicit statements from Lucalfilm officials, an illustration in the EU comic, book or a game; or the name mentioned in TPM script.