In Netflix show Sandman, there is a scene when Sandman has a challenge/duel (don't know what to call it) with Lucifer.
Each of them tells what they are, and an opponent needs to come up with something that defeats it.
They go through following progression:
- Dire wolf
- Hunter
- Snake
- Bacterium
- Life on earth
- Supernova
- Universe
- Antilife
- Hope
I am a bit puzzled by this. It feels like the first iterations can wary widely, but it feels like the end game will be exactly the same (gradually increasing the size and scope of threat/anti-threat until it gets to this Universe -> Antilife sequence.
It feels like Lucifer should have known that a potential answer to Antilife is Hope.
Maybe a separate question, but it feels like there are damn a lot of things that kill Hope.
Am I crazy, or does it feel like Lucifer gave it to Sandman?
it feels like there are damn a lot of things that kill Hope
- there's a lot of things that can do a lot of things but are any of the things you are thinking of something Lucifer can be? And once Lucifer becomes that thing is it strong enough to counter Dream's version of hope? Remember, this is not your hope or my hope but Dream's hope. I can't even fathom Ukraine's hope fighting Russia right now much less the hope that is manifested by Dream.