Below is my understanding of the Kobayashi Maru test, which is supposed to illustrate a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.
The KM is stranded in a Neutral Zone and will soon lose life support capabilities. If you enter the Neutral Zone to save the crew, you will precipitate war with the Klingons; if you stay put to avoid war, you will be responsible for the death of the KM crew.
There are two things that have always irked me about this scenario. First, the KM is already in the neutral zone, and that hasn't caused the Klingons to go "This means war!" yet. Why exactly would my attempt to rescue the crew cause them to attack? Are relations between Klingons and Starfleet so deteriorated that even a rescue mission is beyond question?
Second, does my ship really need to physically enter the Neutral Zone? Presumably, my ship is equipped with a nice set of working transporters that can beam the KM up from a safe distance. Are my transported declared out of commission for the purposes of this exercise?