In Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, Lucifer Morningstar gets tired of Hell and comes to Earth, to start a piano bar called "Lux" (best bar in Los Angeles!).
The bar has been thoroughly exploited in Mike Carey's Lucifer series, as his base of operation.
In the 2016 Lucifer comic series (written thus far by Holly Black) Lucifer returns to Earth and opens a new bar, "Ex Lux":
What exactly is the reason for the change of name? I thought the name was a Latin saying, but apparently "ex lux" is not even a valid form. It has been proposed on the Latin SE thread that "Ex Lux" is suppoed to be read in English, as "former Lux", or as somewhat similar to "deluxe".
I can see both of those explanations working (the first one being more likely), but essentially it's guesswork: Lucifer in general is open to interpretation at least as much as all the religious texts and mythology it draws from is.
Therefore, I'll ask the following: why exactly did Holly Black, or whoever was responsible, choose "Ex Lux" as the name for the bar? (I'm specifically looking for commentary by the creators)