In "A Crown of Swords", readers were introduced to the deadliest of the Shadowspawn - the gholam - and Birgitte (via Mat) explained that only six were ever created because even the Forsaken feared them. This particular gholam was released from a stasis box by one of the Forsaken, but we're never told who. I originally thought that Sammael was the one who sent it, given that he had earlier mentioned finding a stasis box. However, the gholam's inner monologue had the following thought:
The one who commanded it wanted the man who had wounded it dead perhaps as much as he did the women, but the women were an easier target.
Sammael had no particular interest in "the women" (Elayne, Nynaeve, & Aviendha). In fact, the only Forsaken with a vested interest in seeing those specific characters dead was Moghedien, but by the time the gholam was awakened, she was
already a 'pet' of Moridin, having her soul captured in the mind trap.
Was it ever revealed which Forsaken commanded the gholam?