Sometime I think in the 2000s I read some online serialised SF. It has a number of threads that only meet fairly late in the piece.
One of the main threads was an alien higher-dimensional cop fighting an even-higher higher-dimensional criminal. (Memory says something like cop was 50 space dimensions and 5 time dimensions; criminal was +5 space and +1 time beyond that). Cop throws the criminal down into the "basement" of reality, the minimum possible that can support the mind: 3 space & 1 time. Cop must trap themselves with the criminal to imprison them.
The prisoner keeps thinking up ways to escape, and the prison seems to involve some kind of AI cosmic censor which progressively forbids things: superluminal travel, time travel, shifting sideways in parallel dimensions. The criminal rarely does anything themselves and indeed is hidden for most of the story. e.g. parallel world-shifting is a third party who are trapped here after the cosmic censor amends reality to forbid it.
In one of the other threads there is a superhero woman who appears to be basically invulnerable to everything. It is eventually determined that she has the properties of matter travelling at the speed of light from the perspective of "normal" matter.