I vaguely remember watching a science fiction movie with my mother sometime in the 80s (I was born in 84, so I'd be quite young at the time)... The movie was from the 80s, and this is what I remember about it:
The main character has a female "companion" droid that looks just like a human female.
Something happens to her, and he wants to "fix" her, but there is only one place he might find an identical model, which is somewhere in a desert?
Her "mind" (hard-drive/emotions/memories) is stored on some kind of removable media, I want to say it was like a CD, but I'm not sure. It was located somewhere around the back of her head, maybe under the hair?
I seem to remember the droids being stored in clear-vinyl body-bags inside a pyramid-type structure in the desert?
I want to say the film had a lot of visuals and themes reminiscent of blade runner, flying cars and such.