I cannot properly recall, but it was about some genetically engineered organism that can turn any electronic item into a living thing and also control them.
Then the president's son goes missing with a laptop, that I think contained something important. He wakes up to be found in some sort of tribe, and yeah the weapon to destroy this organism is generated by some Cool Industries (actual name) weapon called Cool Bomb (actual name).
It also has a scene in which a satellite, controlled by the organism, crashes in the tribe's forest, and an elder (80 or 90 I think) woman tries to talk to machine, thinking of it as the wrath of God and asking its reason. The boy makes fun of them, only to be scolded by a woman.
Then the satellite transforms into something else (yeah, I forgot to mention that the organism can also transform items into other things) and attacks all of them, but the tribe destroys all the attackers (remember it was animated/CGI). Don't know if it was a movie or just a CGI video.