In the 2021 Hawkeye series, first episode, on a bet, Kate tries to ring the bell in a tower which also contains a clock. After a debate on whether the ringing is due to the bell, or the clapper inside, she makes a first attempt, with a tennis ball on the end of the arrow, which produces a quiet thud, but no ringing. Then, she rigs up something involving a clamp on the front of the arrow that apparently grabs the rope attached to the clapper, which successfully rings the bell. However, something goes wrong, and things start to fall apart in the tower, culminating in a partial collapse and one of the clock faces falling out.
While I recognize the plot need for the scene to establish that Kate is a good archer, thinks creatively, and gets in trouble due to impulsive decisions, it seems odd that ringing a bell would cause that magnitude of a reaction. Has there been an explanation provided, perhaps in behind-the-scenes notes, as to why the tower fell apart so spectacularly?