In Iain M. Banks's Excession, there are several discussions between spaceships that are in a format that looks like a log file. It looks like this:

(GCU Grey Area signal sequence file #n428857/119)
[swept-to-tightbeam, M16.4, [email protected]]
xGSV Honest Mistake oGCU Grey Area Take a look at this:


(Signal sequence #n428855/1446, relay:)


1) [skein broadcast, Mclear, received @ n4.28.855.0065+]:
!c11505 oo

2) [swept beam Ml, received @ n4.28.855.0066-]: SDA.
xFATC @ n4.28.855.


3) [swept beam, M2, relay, received@ n4.28.855.0079-]:
xGCU Fate Amenable To Change.
oGSV Ethics Gradient
& as requested:
Significant developmental anomaly.

And so on...

Is there a cheat sheet or something that could help me to extract all the information contained in the headers and other sections of those discussions?

1 Answer 1


It turn out it's all explained later in the book.

  • that's typical.
    – endolith
    Commented Dec 5, 2015 at 3:19

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