I'm pretty sure it’s the first of a series. I started reading it a few years back and got bored and returned it to my school's library (which was obviously a mistake because I think about it all the time now and wish to continue reading).
All I remember is a boy who lives in a little subsection of his town with his family, who are herbologists, I think? Like they do magic with plants? I vaguely remember a scene of him trying to make a potion or something and his dad getting mad at his inexperience, saying he’s not ready yet. I’m pretty sure he also gets sent into the woods at one point with his older cousin to find an herb; some stuff happens, and he wakes up with a bat in his room? Along the lines of that. It’s very vague in my memory. :’(
From what I remember, the cover was like a boy on a stone path with a bat in his bag and he’s like looking behind him towards trees or a forest, etc. Please help!