I'm trying to find a sci-fi story I read in the mid 80's which I think was for roughly the 10-15 age range. Things I can remember:

  • I think the protagonist was a teenage boy. He might have had a dog.
  • There had been an alien invasion which had destroyed most of society, with only small groups of survivors trying to fight back
  • The aliens used drones such as flying robotic birds with flame throwers that hovered in the sky and hunted for survivors.
  • Set in the UK possibly, but I might be conflating that with John Christopher's Tripods books which had a similar feel and that I read about the same time.
  • They captured one of the 'birds' at one point and discovered it was full of a red gelatinous substance : some kind of alien technology for controlling the machines
  • I think no-one had seen the aliens, which were a mystery (at least at the start of the book), but that might also be conflation with the Tripods.

Not a whole lot to go on I'm afraid.

  • Not certain enough to post as an answer, but The Huntsman by Douglas Hill (best known for the Last Legionary books) matches some points and fits with the timeline. Commented Feb 1 at 23:08
  • If it is The Huntsman the "birds" are called spywings. The protagonist Finn does catch one but is full of mechanisms and a green fluid not a red gelatinous substance. The spywings don't have flame throwers but the aliens (the Slavers) do use heatlances. If this ring a bell with you then maybe @Kerr could post it as an answer. Commented Feb 2 at 6:31
  • If so then it is a duplicate of scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/251903/… I'll have a look later to see if I can dig out my copy for a good answer to this question. Commented Feb 2 at 6:39
  • The name of the book doesn't sound familiar, but "spywings" as the name for the birds does. Looking up what details I can find rings a few more bells. Can't be certain, but there's a good chance that's the right book, allowing for unreliable memory from 40 years ago. I'd accept it as an answer if nothing else is suggested that I recognise.
    – PhillS
    Commented Feb 2 at 7:54


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