I have recently watched the Firefly series and Serenity movie. And for me Firefly is the best TV show ever created.
I have now become a self-styled Browncoat but I want to know more about the 'verse.
I now proudly have:
- Firefly DVD set with commentaries, behind the scenes etc. and Serenity the move.
- Firefly/Serenity Panel videos for various comic-cons
- Serenity comics: Float Out, Shepherd's Tale, Better Days, Those Left Behind, Downtime and The Other Half (Is there any comic I missed????)
- 10th anniversary Browncoats Unite.
- Map of the verse
- Firefly World - The Verse in Mumbers.
I am currently trying to get my hands on:
- R.Tam Sessions
- Re-Lighting the Firefly
Are there any more media (print or electronic) related to Firefly?